Can I choose the mortgage before choosing the house?
Is it possible to start dealing with home loan before choosing the property? The answer is yes! Find out how, right away.
To choose your ideal housing loan, count on the help of credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto, completely free! We take care of everything for you, to save you from bureaucracies and help you save. Talk to us.
Can I choose the mortgage before the property?
Before choosing the property you want to acquire, know that you do not need to wait to start dealing with your mortgage.
This is so you can manage expectations regarding the maximum value you can make available for your new home.
In other words, you can contact banking institutions in advance to make simulations according to the evaluation of your solvency.
The banks will analyze your income, calculate your effort rate to understand the maximum value limit that your financial situation allows you to cover.
By obtaining a pre-approval for a home loan, it will be easier to choose the property by already knowing the maximum amount you can afford. It will also be faster, as it is a phase already dealt with when you want to make an offer to acquire the chosen property. This will also put you in a position of advantage to negotiate the price with the seller.
To have this process resolved in advance will guarantee you more space to evaluate different scenarios and reflect on what you are looking for.
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Turning to a credit intermediary can be ideal.
The ideal in this process will be, even, to get in touch with a credit intermediary who guides you through the bureaucratic part of the process.
The service of credit intermediaries, such as in Poupança no Minuto, has no costs and mediates between the client and various banks. They collect simulations from each institution, with the conditions that each one proposes to grant according to the financial profile of the potential borrower, and presents them to the client.
Faced with your needs and preferences, the intermediary assigned to your process will advise you on the proposal that best suits you.
In this way, it ensures the best market conditions for your housing credit, even if you do not yet have the definitive choice of the property.
Want to move forward? Simulate now your home loan, through our simulator, and credit your dreams!