Já comunicou o seu agregado familiar às Finanças? Atenção ao IRS

Have you informed your household to the Tax Authorities? Attention to IRS

Do not miss this date, as it may have an impact on your annual IRS statement.

12 Feb 20242 min

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If you need financing for any future project, to lower installments with the revision or transfer of credits and insurance, or to consolidate credits: You are in the right place! Contact the credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto. But first, understand the warning issued by the Tax Authority (AT).

Must communicate household members to the Tax Department by February 15th.

For IRS purposes, you must report your household to the Tax Authority (AT) by February 15 on the Finance Portal.

"Proper communication of changes to the household helps facilitate the process of confirming automatic IRS and filling out the income tax return, and allows presenting your specific personal and family situation, relevant to your IRS," as stated in a document from the Finance Department, quoted by Notícias ao Minuto.

This is so that "AT can adequately present the income and deductions that will be considered in the tax return".

"The correction of the communicated information allows for a more simplified interaction when submitting statements, while the inaccuracy or inconsistency of the communicated elements may prevent the submission of the statement according to your personal and family situation (as of December 31 of the previous year)", the news article further reads in reference to the AT document.  

The same document also emphasizes the importance of communication within the household "even in case of exemption from submitting the income statement, for the purpose of granting social tariffs".

If you are looking to reduce the monthly amount you pay for credits and/or insurance, or to hire other banking products, talk to us. The credit intermediaries and insurance brokers from Poupança no Minuto do not charge for their service and can present you with several proposals, without commitment, so that you can find the most suitable one for you!


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