In 2021, just over 1/3 of homeowners had expenses related to purchasing the house.
In 2021, the reality of housing was different: according to a study, just over 1/3 of homeowners had monthly costs with the purchase of the house. Understand the data and how to lower your current housing installment.
Only 38.4% of homeowners had monthly expenses on property acquisition in 2021.
According to data from the study "The Housing Stock: Analysis and Evolution 2011-2021", carried out by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in collaboration with the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNCE), disclosed by Notícias ao Minuto, just over 1/3 of homeowners had expenses related to home purchase in 2021.
In the same year, 70% of classic family home accommodations were occupied by their owners, with only 38.4% having monthly expenses for their acquisition.
This study was based on the results of the 2021 Census, where out of 2,900,093 owner-occupied primary households, 1,112,875 had financial commitments related to their acquisition.
In addition, and taking into account the cost tiers for purchases, in 52.8% of accommodations, the cost of the monthly fees ranged from 200 to 399 euros.
As for classic family accommodations rented as primary residences, 61.4% of the accommodations had monthly rent values between 200 and 649 euros, with an average monthly rent of 334 euros.
However, this is not the current reality of rents or monthly expenses for property owners. Despite inflation starting to decrease, as well as the prospect of Euribor rates also easing, the current values in housing have caused financial difficulties for the Portuguese.
If this is your current situation, know that it may be possible to lower the amount you pay for your mortgage by renegotiating your current conditions or transferring your contract to a new bank. In addition, there are solutions that can help you in case you have multiple credits, for example: being able to consolidate them into one and paying a lower installment.
Credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto can evaluate your case and, if possible, help you with the progress of one of these processes, for free! Contact us and start saving now: