Bonus credit: Discount to be applied will be higher until June.
Families with subsidized credit will now be entitled to a higher discount, to be applied until June. Understand better in the article.
Save with credits? It's with Poupança no Minuto! Our credit intermediaries help you for free to find solutions to lower your installments. But find out what changes in subsidized credit next.
Reference rate for bonus calculation increased to 4.504%.
According to the second notice posted in Diário de República, the discount to be applied to the discounted mortgage credit will be higher until June.
This means that the reference rate for calculating bonuses (TRCB) in effect until the end of the first semester will increase.
The TRCB rate was 4.221% and rises to 4.504%, according to the disclosed notice.
"Under article 27 of Decree-Law No. 349/98 of November 11, as amended by Decree-Law No. 320/2000 of December 15, and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph b) of No. 10 of Ordinance No. 1177/2000 of December 15, as amended by Ordinance No. 310/2008 of April 23, it is hereby announced that the 'reference rate for the calculation of bonuses' (TRCB) to be in effect between January 1 and June 30, 2024 is 4.504%, as explained in the document."
The goal is to further support the Portuguese and represent a smaller burden for families. For those who have this credit, despite fewer and fewer credits covered by this line, they now benefit from a greater discount applied to the market interest rate. lower burden
For this, the amount to be paid by families with this credit is lower, with the state now bearing a higher value.
The value of the TRCB is determined, twice a year, by the Directorate-General of the Treasury and Finance.
If you need to save on your credits, note that you have more options: you can inform your bank that you want better conditions and, if they cannot offer what you are looking for, transfer the financing to another bank.
Want to consider these latest options? The credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto provide a free mediation service, communicating with your bank and others to find the best financing proposal, with the most advantageous conditions for you!